Sunday, July 26

bike rides

{Carly spent a few days with MamMam & Grandaddy last week. As usual they all had a good time. There was swimming, cooking, game playing, T.V. watching, visiting and this trip lots of bike riding. From Mom & Dad's house, they can ride to the post office. Carly's favorite part was riding off the curbs and down the handicap ramp. She thought she had discovered a new thing until I told her I was just a little older than her when they built the "new" post office. My friend and I were so excited that there was something different to do when we were out riding bikes. I told her that we had broken in those curbs and ramp a good 25 years ago!}


JD said...

Our favorite place to ride was "over the hill" by my grandma savell's house. Silver City was such a great place to spend my summer when I was a little girl! I miss that!

patsy said...

WOw- how fun for her!

Jill said...

That's fun to think of Carly riding her bike in the same places you did as a little girl. My family moved so many times that my kids will never get to go back to the places I called home.

Anonymous said...

We had a great time riding with our g', G'daddy and Mam-Mam