Wednesday, April 2

the winner is.....

my friend
A promise to my sister and sister-in-law,
your names were in the hat. I did give you a chance.
It just wasn't meant to be this time.
And Jill, compliments always improve your karma
but it must not have been your day either - sorry!
Keetha, here's a preview of what is coming your way.....

a beautiful pashmina!

Not this one - it is mine, but one very close. I know it is spring but maybe you will have a couple of chances to wear it this year. If not tuck it away for years to come. It can be worn as a scarf like I have it on or as a shawl or wrap. Scarves are very stylish in Italy.

Keetha, keep an eye on your mailbox. It is on its way to you.

I hope you enjoy it!


Jill said...

Congrats to Keetha. I don't think I can pull-off such a fetching accessory anyway, it wouldn't go with my frumpy collection.

Linda said...

I love pashminas...and perfect for a give-away.

Congrats keetha...wear it in good health!

Keetha said...

Oh, wow!!! I always enter these things and I have never but ever won before! Woo hoo! I cannot tell you how excited I am - YEA!