Saturday, January 10

new year's addictions

Peer pressure finally got me and I went to check out Facebook. I told myself I didn't have to committ. I could walk away at anytime. Right.

I added a picture and connected with a couple of friends and then I found the game.
The game.
The game.
I was going to describe it more but all I can come up with is CRACK. I don't know much about crack but I am sure this game is at least AS addicting as crack.
But just when I was trying to walk away, I was introduced to another drug, no I mean game!
So, here I am wallowing in Pathwords and Word Challenge. And let me be a lesson to you, DO NOT DO DRUGS (I mean games)!


Jill said...

I haven't succumbed to the peer pressure yet, but I fear it may be inevitable.

Oh dear to the new game addictions! I played Text Twist one day and ended up losing an hour to it, so I am not allowed to play games online anymore.

Amy said...

Oh the great time vortex that is Facebook. I have a page, but I haven't gotten involved at all. But now that you've told me that there are games, I may be a gonner. I'm addicted to those little internet games. Have you ever heard of Fupa? Just kidding. Don't go there!

Oh, I'm warning you know, don't go near Twitter! There are no games, but it's like micro blogging from anywhere. Too much fun!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

What a funny post Kim Sue. The black hole....the powerful black hole of web communication! It's incredible and can suck the life right out of us, can't it?

Anonymous said...

After I found Word Challenge, I ditched PathWords and haven't looked back! Crack will do that to you! Haha!

Keetha Broyles said...

Reminds me of a song - - -

"And onother one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust!"

Unknown said...

pathwords is my nemesis.

calista said...

Doncha just love me?

Anonymous said...

I don't know any of this world you speak of. I just might have to check out these drugs! I mean games.

Fun post.

btw...William and I ate a whole loaf of hot bread in 2 hours one night. My portion was probably 2/3's of it!

patsy said...

oh boy-- I didn't even know they have games on facebook! I don't need to go there. I have a addiction, bookworm is my fav, but I heard a doctor say it's a good game for brain exercise- which is exactly why I was playing it in the first place ;)

Melinda said...

I have a facebook acount but I am not into it. Just not for me.

Laurie said...

...probably a good thing I didn't find out about the game! But I might just have to give it a little try.

I joined Facebook and stayed on for about two weeks -- then it became overwhelming. So many people, so much information! I deactivated my account, knowing it'll all still be there when/if I return.

Natasha said...

My neighbor is waaaay into facebook and she calls it "Crackbook."

Cecilia said...

You crack me up! I'm on facebook too ender Cecilia Mills...I'll see you there!!!

Doodle Bugs said...

what... facebook? you sucker? is myspace next? ha! ha!