Friday, May 4

Field Day

Most of the rain moved on (well except that one rain cloud that came through soaking us all) leaving only patches of water and mud to steer kids away from. Field Day was a go!
There were stands full of hyped kids all wearing their class t-shirts, cheering on their classmates and friends, & getting only a little rowdy. This was my first field day and was fairly surprised with the efficiency of the process. It was well organized fun!
Carly was in two events. The hippty-hop relay and the tug-of-war team. She won 2 blue ribbons! It was all very exciting and fun.
I'm exhausted. First up, a hot bath followed by a glass of wine or maybe a glass of wine in the bath, now that sounds perfect. Gotta go!


Anonymous said...

i love you carly. thank you for your picture. i want to see you soon. i had my school program today and made a video for you to see. love you.....john camp.

ps.....daddy and aunt libba love you too.

Doodle Bugs said...

So cute! Not a doubt that she would win blue ribbons! Our field day was cancelled due to the weather ..