Tuesday, February 12

SPT - valentine's for me

Lelly SPT challenge..... "i have one more valentine to create: one more act of love to perform, one more thoughtful card to send, one more gift to give. the person who will be receiving this valentine is not expecting it, which makes it so much fun to prepare!!i am so excited, because that valentine is...me!
but, what to do? will i buy something for myself? will i write myself a love letter? will i indulge in chocolate"


Too many times I have heard (maybe even said) that I can never find the time. So for Valentine's Day (or maybe it was Lent), I have found the time for me.
Yes it is VERY early in the morning, and
YES it is still dark outside, and
YES it is cold, and
YES it is very hard to get out of the bed.
But it is quiet and it is mine, it is MY time.


Alisa said...

Those nice still moments of the morning, are so rewarding. It seems to really give the right perspective for the day.

Unknown said...

i used to think that the nighttime hours were mine... and i actually started resenting when my family was staying up later and interrupting *my* time.

recently, i started getting up an hour earlier for some journaling and reflection, and it has made 1,000% difference in my entire day. amazing how a little readjustment to my schedule has brought about some great changes!

Jill said...

I think time alone like this is so important. I've heard from women who made it a habit to get up early in the morning to have this time, and though it bums me out to think of less sleep I know the return on the investment of time is huge. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

kim sue,
it looks like you might be reading Calm My Anxious Heart...GREAT book! i started reading it last spring when i needed some "calming" and encouragement, then my Bible Study group studied it last fall. hope you enjoy.
morning time is hard but i've found that it's probably the best time to have quiet time!

Kim Sue said...

I am going to a women's Bible study and we are using Calm my Anxious Heart. We are just on Chapter 3 but I already am "feeling" small changes in my life. This week "Being Content with Me" -- an area I probably need the most!

SusieQ said...

Great idea. I am such a night person, but I rarely get time alone because my teenager seems to be staying up later and later doing homework. Maybe I'll try some morning time.