Sunday, March 2

february reads

  • Fade Away by Harlan you might have noticed I have read a few of these. They are the Myron Bolitar series. I discovered the series a couple of years ago and read a couple of the newer ones. A couple months ago, I started at the beginning and began reading them in order. Great characters. My MIL asked me a great question a while back "who do I think would make a great Myron if they made this into a movie?" I still can not come up with the perfect actor but I know who would play his friend Win definitely Val Kilmer. I'm still thinking about Myron. Maybe I will have an answer by the time I read the next on in the series (put away for the plane flight to Italy).

  • Blue Screen by Robert B. Parker....I like this author he writes good murder mysteries. He has a couple of characters that are kind of intertwined. For example the main character in this book Sunny who is a woman private detective has a love interest Jesse Stone. In a new book I just started this week Jesse Stone is the main character with no sign of Sunny.

  • Sunday Wife by Cassandra King....This author also wrote Same Sweet Girls which I really liked. Although I have been trying to broaden my reading these are outside my typical murder mystery choices. Sunday Wife is about a preacher's wife. It is emotional..sad and funny...and leaves you wanting more. That is why I like series books so much I don't want to give up characters I have grown close to.

  • Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis....I read the whole series a couple of years ago and really enjoyed them. I think I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when I was younger but I didn't remember much about it. Carly really enjoyed the Narnia movie. When they started talking about the new Prince Caspian movie, I told her that it was based on another book written by the same person who wrote the other Narnia books. She wanted us to read it. We both enjoyed it. She has always loved to be read to and will listen forever if my voice didn't tire of reading out loud.


TheOneTrueSue said...

I loved and still love the Narnia books, and I feel the same way about characters. When I find a book I really love, it's always a thrill to find out that the author wrote other books about those characters. It's almost as though the author loves the characters so much that he/she can't let them go either.

Anonymous said...


Kim Sue said...

I don't know about Cruise for one he is a little shrimp and Myron is what 6'8''?