Sunday, March 2

Title #2 Daddy Rocks

When Kenny took the top off the box and I saw ALL the pieces, I left immediately to get my camera. He had already taken all the pieces out of the box when I got back so, the back of his truck looked like this....

When I was taking this picture, he told me that the title of this blog had better not be "my inept dad" so I told him he better get busy then. He asked me to help by reading the directions. Which were pages and pages of this.....

At the beginning of the manual was a list of tools you would need and the statement "Two able bodied adults needed". I told Kenny I thought we might be a person short. Darkness brought an end to the adventure. It was hard enough reading this manual written by a rocket scientist with a mathematical engineering degree when there was light. But in the dark it was darn near impossible not to mention deciding which center locking nut was 3/8 in. and which on was 3/4 in.

But this morning, Kenny and Carly finished up the masterpiece and the new title of the blog became "Daddy Rocks"!

{Carly shooting hoops on her new basketball goal.}


Doodle Bugs said...

Whooo HooooO!! Looks like fun!

Linda said...

Yes, daddy rocks! Congrats on the new hoop!

Anonymous said...

Better than the telephone pole goal her mother had...times have changed. But, Dads have always found away to Rock!...Love to all.