Wednesday, November 14

unexpected outcomes

What do you get when you spend 2 days in the woods?

  • great memories of time with your dad - check
  • meat in the freezer - check
  • one VERY bad case of poison ivy - check

a couple of bumps on Sunday night (thought they were bug bites), a couple of patches on her face Monday morning (started doctoring), swelling, several patches on her face, tummy and hands Tuesday morning(went to the doctor), all over her face, most of the right side of her face and her eye almost swollen shut on Wednesday morning (cut school short), BUT it is Wednesday evening and her eye is open and the swelling has gone down dramatically. I think we might have the worst behind us?


Anonymous said...

another gift from your grandmother! SORRY Mam-Mam

Doodle Bugs said...

YUCK!! Don't scratch :o)

Natasha said...

Oh no, but I but it was still all worth it to her!

Natasha said...

I meant but I "bet." Sorry, tired.