Lelly's challenge......"ohh, i sooooo LOVE this idea! this weekend, we're going on a scavenger hunt for SPT!!"
Here is what I found in my photo archives....

{birthday webkins from Nona and D}
{super cute purse with valentine socks, valentine pin, valentine post-it notes, glitter markers and a scooby valentine from cousin JC}
Then MORE birthday gifts from grandparents......{super funky shag rug from MamMam and Grandaddy for her bathroom}
{soooo cute new "c"-sweatshirt from great grandmother, Finn}
{matching pj's for Carly and Julie from Nona and D}
{and the grand finale, a new nightstand from MamMam & Grandaddy; a new lamp from Nona & D, and of course that super cute clock from Aunt Kacey. Carly was so excited she wanted to take this picture of her new stuff! The girl is set up.}
But these have been taking most of my reading time. The more I read the more excited I get!!
We have made art for the refrigerator art gallery.
We have made our birthday picture frames.
We have had some type of king of the mountain game on mom & dad's bed that mom stopped "before someone has to go to the ER"!
We have played a couple of games of Wii. We have giggled and laughed for 2 hours!
Now it is time for lunch and a movie. Carly's birthday menu (when I informed her we were NOT going to Mexico) was bagel bites, fruit and sprite.